Renacer Mundo Verde Infantil

The project aims to contribute to the formation of environmental awareness and food and nutritional security in school-age boys and girls (4th and 5th grade of primary school) from eight mixed official rural schools in indigenous communities, through training and technical assistance in the implementation of school gardens and nurseries, and the treatment of garbage … Read more


The NGO “LokBikash” was founded in 1990 by a group of experienced and dedicated social workers to help disadvantaged people in need. The organization now plans to build a residential home for elderly people who suffer from various social, economic and cultural discriminations and are neglected by their families and society. The home is intended … Read more


There are no toilets and no water supply for the young residents of 5 hostels in rural and semi-urban areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The young people aged between 10 and 18 are therefore forced to relieve themselves in the open. Such conditions are unsuitable for ensuring basic health and privacy requirements. The … Read more


The NGO “Swiss Heidi Foundation” (SHF) plans to build a rehabilitation center for the treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy in the state of Odisha. The health center will provide physiotherapy treatments for these patients as well as clinical services and consultations for other patients. The aim is to promote health and help the patients … Read more


The mission of the NGO “Dalit Welfare Association” (DWA) is to give the poor population in rural areas the opportunity to generate income. 60% of the population in the Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh live from agriculture and the Dalit in particular work there as migrant laborers without owning land. In addition, … Read more


The NGO Digambarpur Angikar runs various shelter homes for 400 socially disadvantaged boys and girls in the state of West Bengal. The residents have come to the homes as orphans, victims of human trafficking, domestic violence or child marriage. The homes are also home to 50 elderly people. Meals are provided in the homes by … Read more


The moringa plant, commonly known as “drumstick”, is one of the most important and nutrient-rich food plants in India. The plant is a dry land plant that does not require irrigation or water. It grows under rain-fed conditions and is therefore very environmentally friendly and economical. As a long-term crop, it produces leaves, the vegetable … Read more


In 2016, the NGO “HOPE” (Hope for Children in Nepal) began building a vocational school in Pokhara, Nepal, with the aim of training professionally qualified people and retaining them in Nepal. The courses are recognized by the independent, national “Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training” (CTEVT) and the diverse range of courses includes training … Read more

The school garden fundraising project

Summary In many schools in rural areas of Tanzania pupils have no access to healthy food during the day. In partnership with Tanzania Project, we plan to target 7 secondary schools (5200 pupils) supporting the initial costs for planting maize (seeds and fertilizer) to grow food on their land. Teachings on practical food production will … Read more

Computer Classroom For Disadvantaged Children in Vietnam

The Maison Chance center in Dak Nong province is the second center of Maison Chance,an NGO in Vietnam. With a total area of around 30’000 square meters, the center consists of a primary school for disadvantaged children, three special needs classes for children with mental and physical disabilities, and four vocational training workshops for the … Read more

School Success program in Cambodia

Ensure 250 children can participate in education by removing financial barriers. Even so school is free in Cambodia, financial barriers frequently prevent children from visiting public school. Parents have to pay for uniforms, study materials, transport and extra tuition enabling children to successfully progress with their education. This project focuses on removing some of these … Read more

Getting fit for employment in Cambodia

Build up essential qualifications after formal education for paid employment. After finishing school, young adults stand little chances to find paid employment. “Lack of job experience” is one the reasons why employers are reluctant to contract young adults.  CFI’s intern program employs young adults for 1 or 2 years. During this time, interns get hands-on … Read more

Training Health Training Providers

This is the continuation of the project started last year. BASAID will support the training of qualified medical staff in the province of Attapeu to support their professional certifications as requested by central authorities.   The project aims to contribute to the improvement of health service in the province. It aims to support the school … Read more

Community Health Care Model in Cambodia

BASAID new partner Cambodian Children’s Trust works with vulnerable and disadvantaged women, children, and families in Battambang Province in Northwest Cambodia. The Community health care model aim is to ensure that poverty is not a barrier to accessing basic needs such as nutrition, sanitation, healthcare, and education. The Community health care model prioritizes preventative healthcare … Read more

Support and education for farmers in the Ashanti-region, Ghana

Ashanti Development created a farm support scheme by which twenty inhabitants from the same village are trained in farming and marketing for four years.  Before planting begins, each is given a 80 CHF loan to buy quality farm material and crops.  Loans and interest are repayable after harvest and then both are re-lent each year … Read more

Ecosan toilets for the village Kpélé Tsavié, Togo

Kpélé Tsavié is a village 30 km north way from Kpalimé with a population of about 800 inhabitants. To address the pollution of the fields by human excrements a pilot sanitary facility of 6 Ecosan toilets is planned. These toilets are special in the sense that the feces will be separated from the urine and … Read more

Education of children in Korongocho slum to go digital, Nairobi, Kenya

Smiles Africa under the education and sponsorship program “TUSOME KIDIGITAL” will  help the kids to improve their reading and writing skills through digital and non-digital means using laptops which are equipped with all the learning aids.In Nairobi Kenya, only 25 out 300 schools in the disadvantaged communities have access to the open space literacy (OSL) … Read more

Women’s sewing project for income generation, Cameroon

Many villages in Cameroon that are close to the border with Nigeria, for example in the Mayo-Tsanaga region, are frequently affected by Boko Haram attacks. Countless families have lost their relatives, property or homes. Thousands of women, men and children have been traumatized and victims of abuse and violence. Training the women in sewing will … Read more

Solar Power for Clinics and teachers’ accommodation, Ghana

Clinics in rural areas of Ghana treat up to 200 people a month but many do not offer healthcare at night and if they do, they risk making mistakes because of inadequate lighting. Additionally, medical staff and teachers often refuse postings where there is no electricity. Based on direct requests from several clinics and villages … Read more

Women development in Ati Apedokoe, Togo

In the village of Ati Apedokoe, 90 km from the capital Lomé, the approximately 2,000 inhabitants live mainly from agriculture, livestock and small businesses. Since many women have not had the opportunity to attend school, the project aims to help 50 women to feed their families. Materials, seeds and equipment to enable the cultivation of … Read more

Health, education and community service project, Kati, Togo

The project would be the first year of a three-year project aiming to repair two groups of three-classroom buildings that have fallen into disrepair in the rural village of Kati. The village is located about 110 Km north of Lomé, with a population of 2000 persons. About 600 children attend the primary school. One objective … Read more

Computer center for academic training in office skills, Colombia

The targeted group is single mothers with scarce economic resources. The girls need to obtain economic resources to support their son/daughter. The level of education is very low with few tools to access higher education. The objective of the project is to physically adapt a room where around 80 adolescents receive face-to-face or virtual computer classes. … Read more

Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft für das Dorf Mballam, Kamerun

Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft für das Dorf Mballam in Kamerun, 11 400 CHF (2022 AF 03 CA AG Y1) Nach ihrer Vertreibung aus dem Wald konnten sich die Waldmenschen nicht mehr vom Jagen und Sammeln ernähren. Als Volk haben sie nie den Schritt von der Wildbeuterkultur zu sesshaften Bauern gemacht und kennen keine über Jahrhunderte entwickelte … Read more

Development of agriculture for the village of Mballam, Cameroon

After their expulsion from the forest, the forest people could no longer subsist on hunting and gathering. As a people, they have never made the step from wild prey culture to sedentary farmers and do not know any agricultural culture developed over centuries. This project wants to enable the development of agricultural production by imparting … Read more

Economic empowerment of women who suffered violence, Peru

In Peru, the poverty has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Women are disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination, and exploitation, especially in rural areas, which limits access to education and opportunities for economic independence. In addition, violence and sexual harassment has increased against women, as several of the public services provided to support women during … Read more

Strengthening school learning for children and adolescents, Peru

The COVID quarantine has impacted the education progress of 9.9 million Peruvian students and according to INEl (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica) only 5% of students in rural areas have access to the Internet. This means that virtual learning is nearly impossible and deprives the rural students access to an education. The objective of … Read more

Training for empowerment of young women, Peru

In Peru extreme poverty has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic and women are the most affected. In Cusco only33% of girls who complete secondary education start higher education and Cusco is one of the 3 regions that has reported the highest number of incidents of human trafficking, especially in the provinces where Quechua is … Read more

Orchard gardens to improve family nutrition, Peru

The aim of the project in 2023 is to improve the living conditions of 15 the families of La Florida through the implementation of organic gardens for an adequate nutrition with a balanced diet and the replication of gardens, the strategy is to involve schools and institutions of the villages and each member of the … Read more

Extension of school hostel facility for tribal children, India

The Sri Aurobindo Integral School Betnoti is a co-education school which was founded in 1979 and caters to 350 students of Betnoti town and surrounding areas in the Odisha State, East India. 25% of the students are coming from poor families from very distant tribal farming communities and get free education but they cannot afford … Read more

Regional Training Center for Agriculture, Colombia

Redefinition of the mission and purpose of the youth homes to create a regional model of rural training centers for sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty and biodiversity care, a contribution to the mitigation of the effects of climate change and to the reinforcement of rural identity and territorial roots in the Orient of Caldas.

Primary and preventive health care, Ecuador

Ecuador is the country with the highest poverty rate in Latin America, nearly 4.5 million people are poor and one out of four Ecuadorians lives on USD 87.57 per month. According to the baseline taken in August 2022 by Fundación Sol de Primavera, 82% of family members survive on informal work, 16% are unemployed and … Read more

Economic empowerment and gender equality for women, Colombia

Colombia is a country that has joined the fight for the defense of women’s rights but the culture in which the country has been formed has often prevented women from receiving the same treatment as, and enjoying equal rights as, men.  Many women still face an environment of multiple inequalities and all forms of discrimination … Read more

Prevention of violence in children, Bolivia

Bolivia suffers from a high rate of child violence which is tolerated due to an environment of poor education, domestic violence, illegal work of minors, bullying and indiscriminate use of social networks. The aim of this project is to print 1,000 copies of a children’s book which has been developed by experts in pedagogy and … Read more

Farmers learn to cultivate and market Moringa, India (Phase I)

The Moringa plant, commonly known as “drumstick”, is one of the most important and nutrient-rich food crops in India. The plant is a dry-land crop which does not require irrigation or water. It grows in rain-fed conditions and is therefore very eco-friendly and economic. As a long-term crop, it will produce leaves, the vegetable itself, … Read more

Supply of water and provision of toilets for 1500 students, India

There is no water supply and no toilets available for the 1500 students in 5 rural high schools in Bandi Atmakur Mandal, Nandyal District, in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the Southeast part of India. As a result, the students (aged between 11 and 15 years of age) are forced to relieve themselves in … Read more

Medical Access for disabled children, India

Since 2018, the NGO PRIA (Participatory and Reconstitution Institute Action) has been providing institutional care and support to 95 children challenged by Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Intellectual Disability in the Dhenkanal District of Odisha, in the East of India.  The rehabilitation center offers biweekly physiotherapy to improve the physical condition for the children with CP, … Read more

Sugarcane Farmers training in “Forest Garden”, India (Phase III)

“Forest Garden Approach” is an initiative inspired by the African project “Trees for Future”, as adapted to local Indian conditions. Educated through a 4-year training program, 1,500 farmers will plant 10,000 trees in 100 villages.  The growing of trees will protect and revitalize the land, bring nutrients back to the soil, restore biodiversity, promote sustainable … Read more

Orphan schooling support in Tsevie, Togo

In Tsevie, a city of about 60,000 inhabitants located 35 kilometers from Lomé, many workers live due to the proximity to the mining region (phosphate zone). Due to the high number of HIV/AIDS cases, the number of orphans is quite high, and every year 70% of the orphans have to leave school because their host … Read more

Build a small business for families in Cambodia

With all the challenges facing the world today, what we need more than anything is to see a better tomorrow – not just for ourselves, but for our fellow human beings around the world. What could be more precious than a gift that can help deliver self-reliance, independence, and hope for children and their families? … Read more

Pathways to Employment, Cambodia

Build up essential qualifications after formal education for paid employment.This program in the area of Battambang has been supported by BASAID for several years now. It isrun by our local partner NGO Children’s Future International. The program provides professionalinternships, an internship stipend, soft skills and vocational training.After finishing school, young adults stand little chances to … Read more

Success Program for children in primary school, Cambodia

Ensure 250 children can participate in education by removing financial barriers for the 22/23 turn. BASAID has supported this program for several years now. The local NGO CFI (Children Future International) runs the project as part of their education campaign. The project focuses on providing practical support to children to enable them to attend school. … Read more

Water well with solar pump and storage tank in Ando Kpegbè, Togo

In Ando Kpegbè, a village about 60 km from Lomé, the inhabitants have no access to fresh water becausethere is no river nearby. After rains, the villagers build ditches to catch the water that runs off. However,when the rains stop, they have to go to the neighbouring village 6 km away to fetch water at … Read more

Medical Equipment for Taweta Dispensary

The St. Maria Consolata Dispensary in Taweta is the most important health facility in the remote region and serves over 7,000 patients from the surrounding villages. The hospital is visited daily by an average of 30 patients and about 7 pregnant women. The second closest health facility is in Mlimba, several hours away by car … Read more

Two classrooms for primary school in Tembwe, Lake Malawi, Tanzania

Tanzania Project, a Norway-based NGO with a local board in Tanzania, supports more than 40 schools around Mbamba Bay, Lake Malawi, Tanzania. It is crucial for the success of those schools to attract and retain good teachers. One investment to do so is by building two classrooms for the primary school. This will contribute to … Read more

Green House and nutrition support for children, Mongolia

Due to severe climatic conditions, Mongolia has difficulties in cultivating fresh vegetables all around the year. The cultivation period for fresh vegetables that supply vitamins, dietary fibers and micronutrient last only for few months (usually during May to September). BASAID will provide funding for construction of the greenhouse at one of the Magic Mongolia centers … Read more

Apartments repair for children with special needs, Vietnam

Village Chance consists of a primary school for disadvantaged children, a kindergarten, special classes for children with mental disabilities and 33 apartments specially designed for wheelchair users. Heavy rainfalls in alternation with heat waves have severely damages the roof tiles causing leaks and water seeping into the ceiling and walls of many classrooms and beneficiaries … Read more

Vocational training center for health care providers, Laos

This is the continuation of the project started in BASAID will fund the training of qualified medical staff in the province of Attapeu to supporttheir professional certifications as requested by central authorities. The project aims to contribute to the improvement of health services in the province. It aims to support the school to obtain the … Read more

Book café and library for children in ger district, Mongolia

This is BASAID’s first project in Mongolia. Book café and library will be part of the children’s education support and protection center in ger district in Ulaanbaatar. In ger district most of the families have financial difficulties, there is high rate of domestic violence, alcoholism and unemployment. Families have to provide with study materials and … Read more

Home for Young Girl Victims of Violence, India

The Digambarpur Angikar organization operates a home for young girls in the South 24 Parganas district in the West Bengal state. The girls are victims of oppression, domestic violence, rape and human trafficking and the home provides them with room,board and treatment, as well as education in order to earn a living. BASAID will support … Read more

Handbook for Parents, India

BELIEF (Better Education Lifestyle and Environment Foundation) is a not for profit organization started by a few young professionals who passionately want to bring about a change in society by promoting child growth and development. Currently they are working in the field of quality elementary school education through direct intervention and through providing content ( … Read more

Training of Local Sugarcane Farmers in “Forest Garden Approach”, India, Phase II

“Forest Garden Approach” is an initiative inspired by the Africa “Trees for the Future” project adapted to local Indianconditions. Through 4-year training program 1,500 farmers will plant 10,000 trees in 100 villages.The growing of trees will protect and revitalize the land, bring nutrients back to the soil, restore biodiversity, promote sustainable farming practices, prevent flooding,erosion … Read more

Vehicle for Patient Transport, India

The NGO CanSupport runs India’s largest free homebased palliative care programme, out-patient clinics, day care centers and training programmes. CanSupport is a free of charge outpatient Pain & Palliative Care Clinic for underserved patients who are undergoing cancer treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Safdarjung Hospital. It provides a full … Read more

Relocation and Extension of Patient Ward, India

PRASAD Chikitsa Hospital is located in the village of Ganeshpuri, Thane District, Maharashtra State. Treatment in the hospital is free of charge and inclusive of food, transportation and post treatment medicines. Pre-COVID-19, the hospital was able to treat up to 1,000 patients annually, however, with the implementation of social distancing the ward is now limited … Read more

Education of 40 Dalit Families in Sustainable Agriculture, India

The project targets 40 migrant Dalit families who are struggling to survive. They have returned to their native village due to the closure of the companies they worked for prior to COVID 19 and now plan to farm the land donated to them by the government.The project will educate them in sustainable agriculture and organic … Read more

Bicycles to go to School, India

Ave Maria Mahila Mandali (AMMM) is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization working for themarginalized communities since 1996. BASAID will support AMMM with the purchase of 100 bicycles which will be distributed among girls in 4 villages throughout the Nellore District in the Andhra Pradesh State. The bicycles will enable the young female students to get to … Read more

Diagnostic Equipment for Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, India

Child Health Care Heidi (CHCH) is a politically and denominationally independent, non-profit organisation which supports health projects for children, adolescents and young adults in India. Their pediatric outpatient clinic, Heidi, was opened in August 2021 in the village of Godaribili, Dhenkanal District in the state of Odisha. The clinic is in a tribal area with … Read more

Vocational Training for 100 Young Women, India

BASAID will support this project of the organization CRYS (Cuddapah Rural Development for Youth WelfareSamithi) in the village of Vempalli, Kadapa District in the Andhra Pradesh State. During the 12 months of the project, 100 socially andeconomically disadvantaged young women will learn how to sew clothes. The project participants are between 16 and 35 years … Read more

Planting the seeds of a better future in Huista, Guatemala

Life for people living in rural Huista in western Guatemala is often precarious. Recently, due to COVID-19 and other factors, the economic situation has deteriorated, and its people are now facing the real threat of famine. The campaign, “Planting the seeds of a better future”, will provide materials, knowhow and support to local families to … Read more

Comprehensive School Support in Quito

The Fundación Educativa GENA is a socio-educational institution that for more than 30 years has been providing its services to children and adolescents of poor families. This project aims to create appropriate spaces, for 50 children, adapted to the new learning modalities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. BASAID will provide 6 computers and … Read more

I am a woman, and I am an entrepreneur in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Huellas & Futuro seeks to support mothers committed to their well-being and economic independence. Women victims of domestic violence very often lack the resources that allow them to leave abusive relationships, with negative consequences on their and their children’s physical and mental health. The main objective of this project is to achieve the economic empowerment … Read more

Orchard gardens to improve family nutrition in La Florida, Phase II

Because COVID situation and the lack of resources, the families need to learn how to grow their own vegetables for the feeding of their families and install their own family gardens in their homes. The objective of this project is to provide specialized technical assistance for the planting, cultivation and harvesting of organic products. 15 … Read more

Strengthening school learning in children and adolescents, Peru, Phase II

The COVID-19 quarantine has severely impacted the education in Peru, especially in rural areas where only 5% of the population has access to the Internet. The objective of this project is to strengthen school learning for the children and adolescents of La Florida and surrounding areas, so that they can maintain their academic performance, complete … Read more

Gardeners of life, urban gardens and collaborative work, Ecuador

The aim of the project is to support education to the 50 participants age 13 to 50, living in poverty, to strengthen food sovereignty, income generation, social inclusion, and care of the environment through training in urban cultivated gardens, traditional and hydroponic gardening. Create a sustainable collaborative environment among the participants, to achieve the exchange … Read more

Economic empowerment of women and families, Peru, Phase II

The aim of this project is to promote economic entrepreneurship among women who have suffered violence so that they can be protagonists of change, to defend their right to sustainable livelihoods and achieve self-sustainability. The direct beneficiaries are 40 people: 10 women who have suffered violence as well as 15 women and men living in … Read more

Construction of a multi-purpose center in Combuyo, Bolivia

The objective of this project is the construction of a center that will house multiple services, including a restaurant and store with handicrafts and fresh and processed agricultural products to offer to tourists visiting the Tunari National Park. The diversification ofactivities will support the livelihood of farming and handicraft families and contribute to a sustainable … Read more

Youth enterprises, Colombia, Y2

The project aims to provide technical and financial support for the development of youth led enterprises in the municipality, to improveand support the livelihood of young people and their commitment to stay in the area, through income generation and employment. Theseenterprises will impact the municipality’s economy, creating new businesses and labor opportunities for the local … Read more

Economic emporwement of adolescent mothers, Phase II, Lima

La Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor in their center “Reina de la Paz” in Lima, host pregnant teenagers and/ormothers and their sons and daughters who are in a situation of vulnerability, in extreme poverty or moral and material abandonment. They provide comprehensive care services, educational training, and so that they are … Read more

Urban gardens for women victims of violence in Quito, Ecuador

The aim of our project is the socioeconomic involvement of 50 women (victims of gender-based violence who live off of informal employment, have low levels of education and face harassment and sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies and depression), through an educational and participatory process with gender and environmental issues via the creation of an urban garden … Read more

Provide a water well with electric pump (solar energy) in Hanou-Kope, Togo

The population of HANOU-KOPE is confronted with a crucial water problem, particularly in the dry season. In HANOU-KOPE, there is no drinking water supply installation. Runoff water is collected during the rainy season. This unsanitary water causes illnesses and remains the major cause of death among children. Faced with this situation, women, daily load multiple … Read more

Community Study Centre and mentorship program in Nairobi, Kenya

Korogocho is a slum community in Nairobi Kenya. With about 100, 000 people in less than 2km square land, it is the 3rd largest after Kibera and Mathare. Smiles Africa is a community based, grassroot initiative, which supports the education and development of children in the Korogocho slums. This expanding program is currently sponsoring 25 … Read more

Renovation of Mampong Maternity Hospital in Ashanti, Ghana

The Mampong Maternity Hospital serves more than 100’000 people in the Mampong Municipal District and has 55 beds catering for 2’000 deliveries a year. However, the furniture has not been changed for years and essential machinery is partly lacking. The project is setup to improve the infrastructure of the Maternity Hospital to allow the safe … Read more

Development of educational labs at junior college in Pune, India

The institution Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha (MKSSS) in Pune was founded in 1896 by the great visionary and social worker Bharat Ratna Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve to provide protection for destitute women and is dedicated to “empowering women through education”. Even today, girls from rural areas cannot get access to education due to factors … Read more

Pure water for change, India

Installation of water treatment facility within a hospital for individuals taking brave leaps to counter addiction

Education for underprivileged students, India

In the state of Maharashtra, die NGO Upanagar Shikshan Mandal (USM) is providing a holistic education to all students to make them responsible citizens. With the mission statement “Education for All” and a specific focus towards underprivileged and deprived students USM will ensure that the students are specifically trained in computing skills.

Training program for teenage boys, India

With a population of 1.3 billion, India has the highest number of young people in the world today. It is therefore important to ensure that they are trained in the skills that will make them employable or help them start their own businesses. BASAID will support the Agape Foundation in selecting 30 teenage boys from … Read more

Lending a hand for better education and sanitation, Sri Lanka

Kandegama Sri Parakrama Vidyalaya is in a rural area in Kegalle district in Sri Lanka with 150 students in grades 1 to 11. The children come from low income families and the majority of parents are rubber milk tappers in nearby rubber estates working under appalling conditions. Others are farmers or laborer’s who seek work … Read more

Provisioning of additional dialysis equipment, India

The overall aim of this project is to mitigate the suffering of patients with chronic kidney disease by providing affordable and qualitative dialysis and by expanding the capacity of an existing dialysis center with two additional machines.

Home based palliative care for cancer patients, India

In the capital, Delhi, 70% of cancer patients are diagnosed with advanced disease. The trauma is devastating once they are declared ‘beyond medical help’ and they are condemned by hospitals to spend their last days in unremitting pain and despair. Overwhelming physical and emotional burden results in the poorest quality of life for patients followed … Read more

Mobile hearing clinic, India

Hearing loss is the most common sensory deficit in humans today and according to a WHO estimate, 360 million people in the world are affected by hearing loss. It is estimated that six out of one thousand children born in India’s Telangana State are born deaf which is three times higher than the national average … Read more

Library and Books in Rasuwa District – Phase 2, Nepal

Phase 2 of the project from 2019. This project continues in a second phase with the completion of the library in Jibjibe, Nepal which BASAID has already supported in 2019. Unfortunately, costs have been higher than initially budgeted for due to increased material and transportation costs. The additional funds will be used for building completion, … Read more

Care on wheels, India

In 2019 BASAID supported the building and creation of a home for women in difficult circumstances (Swadhar Home) in Odisha. These destitute women are mostly widows, or women who have been mistreated or abandoned by their husbands. This new project will supply the Swadhar Home with a vehicle which is needed for transport to the … Read more

Water supply with solar energy for kindergarden/school in Mayo-Kebbi, Tchad

Akwada has been coordinating development projects and training courses for 8 years and has been running a kindergarten since 2017. The School is enabling underprivileged young people an apprenticeship for different skills. Kindergarten and school are currently equipped only with a simple well with hand pump. The missing water connection makes it particularly difficult to … Read more

Career development program for young girls, Cambodia

This is a new program being developed by Children’s Future in Cambodia. For 2019 BASAID will provide initial funds to start todevelop the “Women’s Career Development Project” program, with the aim of rolling out the full program next year. This project aims toempower young women who are supported by Children’s Future through knowledge, skill development … Read more

Support initiation of chicken farming for group Dekawowo, Togo

Afiadegnigban-Zanguera is a village outside of Lome, where increasing urbanization progressively renders traditional small farming difficult and is leaving young people with no prospects for the future. The project will set up a chicken farming unit of laying hens in this village on an area of approximately 600 m2. This will include the construction of … Read more

Training of women in dyeing and sewing technology, Cameroon

Similar to the project supported in 2020, training in dyeing and sewing technology is planned for 200 girls and women who have fled and traumatized Boko Haram. The aim of the project is to improve the socio-economic living conditions of displaced and vulnerable people from various villages in the Mokolo district. Sewing is one of … Read more

Success program for children in primary school, Cambodia

The Cambodian NGO Children Future International (CFI) runs the project as part of their education campaign. The project focuses on providing practical support to children to enable them to attend school. Even so school is free, parents have to pay for uniforms, study materials, transport and extra tuition enabling children to successfully progress with their … Read more

Library building for elementary school, phase II, Philippines

The Bardias Elementary School teaches students in grades first through sixth in Barangay Bardias, Villarosa Licab, Nueva Ecija of Central Luzon in the Philippines. The school is located in the midst of three barangays: Bardias, Caingin and Bulakid with the total of approximate 300 families of farmers. The school has 8 class rooms and 1 … Read more

Training and internship for students, Cambodia

 The Training for life includes an internship program for university students, which is competency-based ensuring that young people are prepared for their career with transferable employment skills. It includes shadowing, 1:1 on-site mentoring, process of self-reflection and final year-end group project. Interns are provided with a stipend that allows students to continue their university education, … Read more

Full education for children in primary school, Cambodia

The Full Education Project addresses the barriers to a meaningful primary and secondary education. Firstly, the education advocacy initiative supports CFI’s 280 students to enroll in and continue their public school education. To reduce the financial burdens that prevent low-income students from attending public school, CFI provides those students with books, school supplies, enrollment fees, … Read more

Diabetes and hypertension screening, Cambodia

Act ministries, in partnership with the Handa Foundation, is conducting a community-based screening, treatment and health education project for diabetes and hypertension. The incidence of non-communicable diseases is increasing in Cambodia and the project focuses on identifying and treating patients with diabetes and hypertension in poor rural communities in North-West Cambodia.  It also aims to … Read more

Aquaponics farm for young adults with disability, Vietnam

This is the first Kianh Foundation project supported by BASAID. The project objective is to build an aquaponics farm which will provide employment opportunities for young adults with disability who have graduated from Kianh`s international special needs elementary and high school programs. This project will also develop a vocational training program for young adults with … Read more

Provide clean water and sanitation for 12 villages, Laos

SFE focuses on food safety in remote villages in southern Laos province Attapeu and Sekong.  This project improves water and sanitization in 12 remote villages, within 5-30 km Kapeu. It is only when people have access to enough clean water and good sanitation installations, that the food can be safe. The projects builds, with participation … Read more

Pathways to employment for students, Cambodia

This program is run by Children’s Future in the Battambang area and provide support to high school and university students, to allow them to continue and complete their studies and trainings and enable them to pursue well-paying careers. The program provides professional internships, an internship stipends, soft skills and vocational trainings

Strengthening the health sector to the coronavirus, Laos

The Health Training Center in the Attapeu Province was established in 2016 to educate nurses and medical students. The Lao Ministry of Education has changed university ranking for teacher’s certification. Most of Health Center teachers are not aligned to the new policies. The aim of this project is to support the Health Training Centre aim … Read more

Training of pregnant adolescent girls – Phase II, Colombia

The Foundation Pilar & Gracia provides protection and comprehensive care to a population of adolescent, pregnant or breastfeeding girls who have their rights threatened or violated. It functions as a boarding school where food, accommodation, psycho-social support, coordination of health care, academic training and life skills are provided.  The main objective of the project is to stimulate growth and … Read more

Go girls! program for young women, Cambodia

Young women are particularly vulnerable in this community in Battambang area. They often drop off the school; face high levels of unemployment and as result are at risk of poverty, forced migration, forced marriage and many forms of exploitation including trafficking, prostituting and child labor. This project aims to empower young women and provide with … Read more

Success Program for children in primary school, Cambodia

Basaid has supported this program for several years now. The local NGO (Children’s Future International) runs the project as part of their education program. The project focuses on providing practical support to children to enable them to attend school. Even if school is free, parents have to pay for uniforms, study materials, transport and extra … Read more

Training for sewing or carpentering, Mongolia

The Magic Mongolia II center is located in a densely populated outskirt area of Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, where the rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, and unemployment are very high, and basic education and health services are underdeveloped. The center provides free educational programs and kindergarten classes for children in need. The center … Read more

Sanitary Infrastructure and Hygiene Education for Schools, India

Over the last few years, India has taken huge efforts to become “open defecation free” by promoting the installation and use of toilets across the country and was declared “open defecation free” in 2019. In order to sustain this standard, it is important to educate children on good hygiene practices early on. BASAID will provide … Read more

School construction and expansion, Kandy Region, Sri Lanka

We support the building and expansion of a school on a tea plantation in Sri Lanka. In October 2018, a project was launched build a brand new school building in an existing school in a beautifully terraced tea estate. In October 2019, a second group of volunteers continued in the same location to add a … Read more

Library and Books in Rasuwa District – Phase 1, Nepal

Construction of a library building in Nepal for the benefit of children. The library will supply books to residents and local schools, to improve the level of schooling and education in rural areas, stimulate reading and school attendance of students.

Production of bamboo utensils in Odisha state, India

We want to support income generation for socially disadvantaged people who are generally of lower caste status. They will be trained in the traditional production of bamboo utensils which they will be able to sell and generate income.

Refurbishment of hospital, India

In the Tansa Valley in rural Maharashtra, India, nearly 170,000 people live in 370 rural and tribal villages, where the BASAID partner “PRASAD Chikitsa” runs a hospital. The objective of this proposal is to seek funding for the refurbishment of the hospital’s open areas, to provide protection for the patients from heat and rain in … Read more

Microfinancing of small farmers, Myanmar

This was also BASAID’s first project in Myanmar. Many people in Myanmar are stuck in a poverty trap, a vicious circle in which poverty leads to poor nutrition and health, and lack of education, undermining productivity and investment. The objective of the project “Microfinance Thukha Myanmar” is to help communities (e.g. orphanages) and families through … Read more

Renovation dispensary in Taweta, Tanzania

St. Maria Consolata Dispensary in Taweta is the main health facility in the remote rural region serving over 7.000 people in the surrounding villages. The main building is from the year 1985 and in order for the dispensary to remain functioning and safe for the patients there are urgent renovation works needed. This well defined … Read more

Access to clean water, rain water collection in tanks, Vietnam

In rural areas the hamlets of Can Giuoc Long An province about 1500 families do not have access to drinking water for their daily use and often lack water during dry seasons. In this region is very difficult to find fresh water because of high salinity and pollution of the river water and groundwater. The … Read more

Digital marketing channel for entrepreneurs in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Due to COVID-19, the Bolivian economy was seriously affected and, in particular, informal trade. Many micro and small enterprises had to close and, at this moment of economy reactivation, the entrepreneurs do not have access to free and safe channels to offer and sell their products. Most of them just have the traditional channel (F2F … Read more

Solar power for girls’ hostel, India

Around 150 tribal girls from the remote village of Kechla (Koraput District, Odisha State) live in a hostel in the Auro-Mira community in order to attend school. The local supply of electricity is difficult and therefore in order to support the living and learning environment, a solar power unit is required to ensure power supply … Read more

Vocational training centre for health care providers, Laos

The project contributes to the improvement of health services in the Attapeu Province, Laos by supporting quality education in the Vocational Health Training Centre. The teachers and administrative team lack professional experience and skills to run the training centre. During the pandemic the importance to have well-trained health staff at all levels became even more … Read more

Textile dyeing and alphabetization of 309 girls/ladies, Cameroon

This project is the continuation of a project started in 2018. The objective of the project is to improve the life of the girls and women living in Myo-Loti department and to enable them to achieve financial autonomy through education. This will fortify their social position and with a profession as well as alphabetization they … Read more

Health center for orphanage CERCADO in Danane, Cote d’Ivoire

The aim of the project is to support the orphanage CERCADO, where 52 orphans live, by refurbishing of the adjoining medical center. It aims to enable patients reception, medical consultations and vaccinations. It would be available for the 52 orphans as well as the children and adults of Danabe, who live near the center of … Read more

Construction of a clinic at Nyinampong, Ashanti region, Ghana

This project is the continuation of a project started in 2018. The population of this village is increasing due to an influx of poor immigrants from North Ghana and therefore a clinic with maternity, family planning and outpatient departments for 8 000 people is badly needed. In the next year staff accommodation, bathrooms and toilets … Read more

Soda well construction for 1800 residents in Avegame, Togo

The beneficiaries of this project are the inhabitants of the village of AVEGAME. The estimated 1800 inhabitants located in the canton Tokpli, YOTO Prefecture, live currently without a clean water supply. The project foresees the construction of a large diameter well protected by a lid or clasp and equipped winch system. This well will be … Read more

Metalworker vocational training at Akwada, Chad

The aim of the project is to provide 18- to 34-year-old men with an apprenticeship as a metalworker (welder).  They can get a one-year training with practical experience on real construction sites at the Akwada Business School. Upon completion, participants will receive tools in order to become independent. On-site project management will be carried out … Read more

Education of 50 girls and income generation for 50 women, Togo

Kpomé is a village in Togo located about 40 km from the main city Lome. It is one of the villages generated due to the dislocation of inhabitants because of the phosphates found on their grounds. The main income for this population, estimated at more than 5000 inhabitants, is agriculture. The project aims specifically to … Read more

Urban Gardens for women victims of violence in Quito, Ecuador

The aim of our project is the socioeconomic involvement of 50 women (victims of gender-based violence who live off of informalemployment, have low levels of education and face harassment and sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies and depression), through aneducational and participatory process with gender and environmental issues via the creation of an urban garden with traditional … Read more

Agriculture and food security program in la grande ravine, Haiti

Reinforcement of the terrain, to help with the retention of rainwater and to guard against the risk of erosion:• Purchase and plant trees, sugarcane shrubs and elephant grass (about 2000 pieces.) • Purchase of seeds for yams (1000 pieces) and seedlings for pineapple and bananas (2000 pieces each)

Purchase of an oil press for opuntia (cactus) seeds, Bolivia

For the first time, farmers’ wives can press out the cactus seed using the oil press. The resulting oil is scarce and should provide the farmer’s wives with a good income. The farmer’s wives also receive adequate training to operate the oil press. The project aims to contribute to generate development processes by identifying strategic … Read more

Return, establishment and re-functioning of El Congal – Part 2, Colombia

The inhabitants of El Congal were evacuated from their village during the civil war in Colombia. Now after peace agreement with the FARC, the inhabitants can return again. This is one of three projects carried out throughout Colombia to bring back evacuees. First, the mines had to be removed from the military. 14 families live … Read more

Training of pregnant or nursing adolescent girls – Phase I, Colombia

The Foundation Pilar & Gracia provides protection and comprehensive care to a population of adolescent, pregnant or breastfeeding girls who have their rights threatened or violated. It functions as a boarding school where food, accommodation, psycho-social support, coordination of health care, academic training and life skills are provided.  The main objective of the project is to stimulate growth and … Read more

Economic and social empowerment of women, Bolivia

This is the first project from Huellas & Futuro Foundation that is supported by BASAID. Huellas & Future is a non-profit organization whose aim is to provide effective actions and programs for human and social development in  underserved communities in the region of Cochabamba. The main objective of this project is to implement a process … Read more

Building peasant farms for indigene women – Phase II, Guatemala

Basaid has already implemented a major food security project for over 1,250 families with ADSOSMHU. In the last project, home gardens for these families have been established along with the training that should make these families independent in the future. In this new project, 300 women – indigen women from the Huista and Akatecha region … Read more

Health, education and community service project in Agotime Adrakpo, Togo

Health, education and community service project for the city youth in villages in AGOTIME ADRAKPO, Togo The rural village of Agotime Adrakpo is located about 80 Km from Lome. The population is around 1500. About 600 children are in the primary school. One of the main school buildings, originally built by the local villagers, is … Read more

Teachers house and toilets in Mbamba Bay in Tanzania 

Tanzania Project, a Norway-based NGO with a local board in Tanzania, supports more than 40 schools around Mbamba Bay, Lake Malawi, Tanzania. It is crucial for the success of those schools to attract and retain good teachers. One investment to do so is providing teachers’ toilets at the school and nearby houses for them and … Read more

Traditional weaving and agriculture in Dassahoun Ando, Togo

Agriculture, farming and traditional weaving of Keteh are three main income-generating activities. However, due to difficult climate and soil conditions, many young people leave the villages and move to the city. The main objective of this project is to prevent the youth from leaving the village by giving them opportunities to create a sustainable business … Read more

School material and birth certificates in 10 villages, Togo

In Togo, schools are located in cities or villages which are easily accessible by car.  Children growing up in remote villages need to travel long distances (at least 5 km or more on foot) to go to school.  In order to protect their children and ensure an education several village communities are organizing themselves in creating their … Read more

Apprenticeship in Lomé, Togo

Lomé is a city where motorcycles and bicycles are the most used means of travel. The project aims to support fifteen young people (16-22 years) who cannot pay the material and tool boxes which they need for their 2-3 year apprenticeship. With the education of the craft of two-wheeled mechanics they will be able to thrive … Read more

Dormitory for students in Liuli, Tanzania 

Herdis House is a vocational school for poor children where they can learn within three years how to sew in order to make a living and hopefully an independent life. This year the school has 37 students from 13-20 years. With that project we will renew the furniture in the dormitories (beds, mattresses, chests of … Read more

Education for refugees in Mokolo, Camerun

Education in sewing, textile processing, processing of ginger and renovation of a building to serve as home for girls in Mokolo, Cameroon  Cameroun villages closed to the border to Nigeria, e.g. in the Mayo-Tsanaga department, are most affected by Boko Haram attacks. Many families have lost relatives, property, or their homes. Thousands of women, men and … Read more

Ecosan toilets in village Kpele Tsavie, Kpalime area, Togo

Ecosan toilets in village KPELE TSAVIE in the Kpalime area to avoid the pollution of the fields Kpélé Tsavié is a village at 30 km north way from Kpalimé with a population of about 800 inhabitants. To address the pollution of the fields by human excrements a pilot sanitary facility of 4×2 Ecosan toilets is … Read more

Go Girls! program for empowering young women, Cambodia

This project, run by Basaid’s local partner NGO Children’s Future International, aims to empower young women and provide them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to plan for a successful future. Young women are particularly vulnerable in rural Cambodia. They often drop out of school, face high levels of unemployment and, as a result, are … Read more

Pathways to employment for students, Cambodia

This program in the area of Battambang has been supported by Basaid for several years now. It is run by our local partner NGO Children’s Future International (CFI). The project is aimed at high school students and students lacking practical work experience. Practical trainings, trainee placement support and professional coaching by experienced CFI employees improve … Read more

Improved health facilities at a district hospital, Taplejung

BASAID and Children First would like to offer modern equipment and provide improved treatment facilities at the Taplejung district hospital. Improved treatment facilities in the district hospital of Taplejung: Currently the hospital is in very bad shape and can provide only poor health services. Around 500 children live in the surroundings and potentially need access to those health … Read more

Vocational centre in Pokhara, Nepal

Arrangement of furniture in all classrooms including required equipments and instruments will be done after the completion of the construction work

Extension of the gynecological clinic

The main focus of the partnership lies in women’s health (sexual and reproductive health). The hospital in the south of Nepal comprises a catchment area of around 250’000 people. . BASAID will buy a replacement of the recently broken Autoclave (steam sterilizer). On the long run the Spital Limmattal will invest in the building of … Read more

Vocational training centre for the people of Odisha- Phase II, India

The Dhenkanal district has a population of 1,200,000 inhabitants. The project focuses on the construction of a building devoted to training personnel for the health care segment. A school is being built is stages. SOVA has its own land, and the need is for a training facility. Thus, BASAID is supporting SOVA to construct a … Read more

Home for homeless, mentally and physically ill women, India

Many women have been abandoned by their families or abused mentally and physically. Many of these women, irrespective of their caste or religion, are taken in by MSP from the streets and given a safe haven in which to live. Each and every one of their need is attended to from food and shelter to … Read more

Program for effective menstrual hygiene for women and adolescent girls, India

In most parts of rural India, as in many places in the developing world, the issue of women’s menstruation is a matter still associated with taboo and discrimination. In some communities, women are still considered “unclean” during menstruation and are forbidden from entering the kitchen.  This project will be implemented in 10 villages of 2 Gram … Read more

Adolescent mothers economic empowerment, Peru

Teenage pregnancy in Peru still affects 12.6% of adolescents between 15 and 19 years of age.The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, through the Queen of Peace Home, protects the rights of pregnant adolescents and mothers by providing them with comprehensive care through safe housing, health, food, basic education and training, … Read more

Alcohol gel Opportunity to support COVID crisis in Cochabamba, Bolivia

The objective of this project is to implement the production and commercialization of alcohol gel to generate a rotating fund which will be used for the distribution of dry food and essential items to families with low-income in the city of Cochabamba. These communities/families have been affected by the effects of the COVID-19. The provision … Read more

Strengthening school learning in children and adolescents, Peru

In Peru children under 15 years of age represents 24.9% of the population.  COVID-19 quarantine has impacted their education severely and according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), only 39% of households nationwide have access to the Internet dropping to  only 5% in rural areas.The objective of this project is to strengthen … Read more

Economic empowerment of women and families living in Cajamarca, Peru

La Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor through the Women’s Support Center “Santa María Eufrasia” in Cajamarca protects the rights of women and hosts those women and their children who have suffered violence, providing them with comprehensive care through safe housing, health, food, basic education, training workshops and personal empowerment. The aim … Read more

Donate secondhand glasses and make a difference in Ghana

A short survey showed that a long-standing partner organization in Ghana, Ashanti Development, based in London, operates an eye clinic in the Ashanti region in Gyetiase. Until now, the collection of used glasses has mainly taken place in the UK, with the glasses being competently cleaned and recalibrated by SpecSavers on a voluntary basis. The … Read more


The COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting lockdown, has provoked many reactions and emotions in all of us – fear, exhaustion, worry, loneliness, irritation. In rural, low-income areas of India, COVID-19 has been more than a health emergency. Many people in Odisha, India are facing food shortages as a result of COVID-19. These are coal miners, … Read more

Youth enterprises in the Municipality of Samaná, Colombia

Development of youth enterprises in the municipality to improve and support the life project of young people. The project aims to provide technical and financial support for the development of 4 youth enterprises in the municipality to improve and support the life project of 120 young people and their commitment to stay in the area, … Read more

Productive courtyards, a contribution to the COVID 19 crisis, Colombia

Implementation of productive yards to improve the living conditions of 70 families through fruit-horticultural production. The expansion of COVID-19 has generated an immense impact on the informal economy, this is the case of the families of the district of Santa Fe, Magangué, Bolivar; that due to mandatory isolation have been in uncertainty, at high rates … Read more

Repair of the school for disadvantaged children, Vietnam

The Village Chance center consists of a primary school for disadvantaged children, a kindergarten, special needs classes for children with mental disabilities and 33 apartments specially designed for wheelchair users. The village also includes a swimming pool for therapeutic purposes, a bakery workshop and a restaurant for vocational trainings and employment creation. After nearly ten … Read more

Development and Education for the village Mballam, Cameroon

Development and education for the village Mballam in Cameroon. The pygmies or forest people is the oldest population group of the equatorial and tropical forests of Africa. The families of the village Mballan were forced 50 years ago to move close to the street. The village has 277 inhabitants and they live from hunting, fishing … Read more