Become a member

Our members are not only change makers, they also provide financial support that allow us run the organization with very low administrative costs (< 5%) dedicating 95% of our funds to successfully executing projects in order to improve the quality of life of underserved communities around the world.

Membership application

All transmitted information is kept confidential and will not be transmitted to any other person or organization.
After sending your membership application we will check your registration data and approve by E-mail
All fields marked by a * in the form provided below need to be filled in

To become a member of BASAID you must pay the minimum annual contribution amount of 20 CHF. We are of course grateful for higher membership contributions.

Twice yearly, members receive our bulletin and a paying-in slip for the transfer of the membership contribution (due to postal reasons bulletin is only sent within Europe, members out of Europe receive our bulletin electronically). If your yearly donations are equal or more than 100 CHF you will receive a thanking letter in January of the following year.

Personal information for new members

Bank Account Information

Beneficary Basaid – Verein für Basishilfe

Account number: 40-5498-6
IBAN: CH07 0900 0000 4000 5498 6

When transferring money from the EU please use as currency only Euro since bank transfers in Swiss francs are quite costly.

Tax Exemption
Tax exemption for donations is only possible for people living in Switzerland. please inform yourself on the website of your canton.

Member data changes
Please send an E-Mail to