Orphan schooling support in Tsevie, Togo


In Tsevie, a city of about 60,000 inhabitants located 35 kilometers from Lomé, many workers live due to the proximity to the mining region (phosphate zone). Due to the high number of HIV/AIDS cases, the number of orphans is quite high, and every year 70% of the orphans have to leave school because their host families do not have the necessary financial means. The Covid 19 pandemic has worsened the economic situation due to inflation in food prices, fuel costs, and transportation costs, especially for large families. This project specifically aims to support orphans by covering the cost of school fees, school uniforms and school supplies for 50 orphans (30 girls and 20 boys aged 10 to 16). In addition, 40 foster mothers are supported through a program to strengthen and/or initiate income-generating activities, such as how to run a small business, improve numeracy skills, and offer mini-loans to start a small business.

The project was finished successfully: 50 orphaned students received their school uniform one week before the start of the school year and attended the courses regularly. Each student received a kit according to their level of study, e.g. bag, several notebooks, pens, and pencils, geometric instruments and reading books. 40 parents/foster families have acquired techniques for improving the profitability of their income-generating activities. They received a kit containing the ingredients of the liquid soap and training material and aquired the knowledge to prepare liquid soap and make it an income-generating activity.

Project Overview

Project Reference
2022 AF 07 TG ED
Project Year
Aid type
1 year
BASAID contribution
9300 CHF
Local contribution
Local partners
Acteurs Reunis