Ashanti Development created a farm support scheme by which twenty inhabitants from the same village are trained in farming and marketing for four years. Before planting begins, each is given a 80 CHF loan to buy quality farm material and crops. Loans and interest are repayable after harvest and then both are re-lent each year to the same farmers, so until recently the money retained its value. After four years, the project moves to a new village. Many others attend the formal lessons as observers, and good practice spreads fast.
Support and education for farmers in the Ashanti-region, Ghana

Project Overview
Project Reference |
2023 AF 01 GH AG |
Project Year | Area |
2023 | Africa |
Country | Region |
Ghana | Ashanti |
Aid type | Duration |
Agriculture | 4 years |
BASAID contribution |
8500 CHF |
Local contribution |
work and field |
Local partners |
Ashanti Development |
Contact |
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