Build a small business for families in Cambodia

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With all the challenges facing the world today, what we need more than anything is to see a better tomorrow – not just for ourselves, but for our fellow human beings around the world. What could be more precious than a gift that can help deliver self-reliance, independence, and hope for children and their families?

In rural areas of Battambang, northwestern Cambodia, life for the poorest families is a constant struggle. Some even live on income of less than $1 dollar a day, which doesn’t allow them to provide for their most basic needs. The COVID-19 pandemic further intensified the challenges for people living in these communities, seriously limiting their ability to provide for their families. Children are especially hard hit, with many of them dropping out of school to start working or look after a younger family member to help support their family. This puts them at increased risk of malnutrition and exploitation, while also limiting the prospects to improve their lives in the future. 

Despite working their hardest, many vulnerable families in Battambang need extra support to help make ends meet in the long run.

We have decided to organize a crowdfunding campaign to help. Our hope is to assist more families in the Battambang region to establish a sustainable, reliable source of income that goes far beyond their immediate needs. “Build a small business for families in Cambodia” is a campaign that aims to help families in Battambang establish a small business to raise chickens.

By raising chicken flocks, and then selling chickens at local markets, families will earn a small but critical additional income. The impact of this additional income can be massive: savings can be built for emergencies, families prevented from being separated due migration driven by financial insecurity, and children can continue attending school. Overall, this will lead to an improvement of each family’s financial situation and help provide a wholesome environment for their children, both now and in the future. Moreover, the income is generated and spent locally, so it is expected to strengthen the local economy as well.

Donations will be used to provide the startup costs, as well as counseling on the latest techniques on successful chicken raising and small business management. 

A gift to this campaign is not a one-time donation to cover an emergency need. Rather, by providing the startup capital, critical materials and infrastructure support, these families can begin to improve their livelihoods by generating a sustainable, continuous income for years to come.

Our campaign target is to raise CHF 10,000 to directly help 20 families to start their business. These donations will provide the startup costs, including buying the first flock of laying hens, to start hatching and raising chickens which can then be sold at local markets. After an initial 9–12-month period, the flock will grow big enough to sell chickens and generate a continuous income in the long term.

Donate via the GlobalGiving platform – link

BASAID will be using GlobalGiving as the platform for donations for this campaign. GlobalGiving is non-profit organization based in the US that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects. All donation for this campaign will be funneled through GlobalGiving’s platform. 

On November 29, from 6:00 CET to November 30 6:00CET, GlobalGiving will giveaway $1.2 million to nonprofits around the world as part of their #MoveAMillion campaign for GivingTuesday. Your donation will help us unlock a greater share of those bonus funds!

Learn more and about GlobalGiving.

Or donate directly to BASAID Account 

IBAN CH07 0900 0000 4000 5498 6

Note: Small business for families in Cambodia

Project Overview

Project Reference
Fundraising 2022
Project Year
Aid type
12 months
BASAID contribution
10000 CHF
Local contribution
BASAID arbeitet mit Children’s Future International (CFI) zusammen, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die lokal in Battambang arbeitet. CFI’s Mission es ist, eine Generation gebildeter, selbstständiger und mitfühlender Vorbilder aufzubauen. Dazu fördert CFI Kinderrechte und unterstützt die ärmsten Kinder in den ländlichen Gebieten von Kambodscha beim Schulbesuch. CFI unterstützt unser Projekt vor Ort in Battambang, indem es seine umfangreiche Erfahrung und sein Fachwissen einbringt, um die erforderlichen Materialien und Schulungen bereitzustellen.
Local partners
Children’s future International,