PRASAD Chikitsa Hospital is located in the village of Ganeshpuri, Thane District, Maharashtra State. Treatment in the hospital is free of charge and inclusive of food, transportation and post treatment medicines. Pre-COVID-19, the hospital was able to treat up to 1,000 patients annually, however, with the implementation of social distancing the ward is now limited to only admitting 5
patients per week or 250 patients annually. BASAID will support this project run by the PRASAD Chikitsa organization to relocate the patient ward to the hospital terrace. The funds will be used to increase the roof height, replace existing tin sheets with non-asbestos cement fibre sheets, install aluminum sliding windows for protection from rain and wind, false ceilings for thermal
insulation and floor tiles.
Relocation and Extension of Patient Ward, India

Project Overview
Project Reference |
2022 SK 25 IN HE |
Project Year | Area |
2022 | Asia |
Country | Region |
India | Maharashtra State |
Aid type | Duration |
Healthcare | 1 Jahr |
BASAID contribution |
12625 CHF |
Local contribution |
vor Ort Mitarbeiter |
Local partners |
PRASAD Chikitsa |
Contact |
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