Provide clean water and sanitation for 12 villages, Laos


SFE focuses on food safety in remote villages in southern Laos province Attapeu and Sekong.  This project improves water and sanitization in 12 remote villages, within 5-30 km Kapeu. It is only when people have access to enough clean water and good sanitation installations, that the food can be safe. The projects builds, with participation of the villagers one community water system, repairs broken hand water pumps, subsidizes 135 ceramic water filters for clean drinking water and the construction of 45 pit latrines. Basaids funds construction equipment, transport costs, fuel and food for the team. Key to the project is, that all villagers benefit from the improvements. The village community is trained to maintain their water system and filters after completion. The villagers themselves provide labor, other construction material and the water committee, responsible for operating the system.

Project Overview

Project Reference
2018 FE 05 LA WA
Project Year
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Attepeu and Sekong
Aid type
Water & Sanitation
2 years (2018-2019)
BASAID contribution
20000 CHF
Local contribution
Local labor
Local partners
Service Fraternel d’Etraide