Kadavur Block in the Karur District of Tamil Nadu, in the south of India is largely inhabited by people who belong to scheduled castes and tribal communities. Most of them are very poor marginal farmers or landless agricultural workers depending on rain fed agriculture. If there is no rain, people migrate to other districts in search of employment.
The aim of this project is to train 200 women in bio farming methods and water management, inclusive of preparation of vermin compost, bio pesticide tonics, creation of indigenous seed banks, implementation of drip irrigation and creation of a kitchen garden in their houses. The training will also involve training them in to produce more chemically free grown grains, pulses and vegetables with limited water sources and little investment.
This project will enable these female farmers to grow healthy, organic food and sell it in the markets at an increased price, which will, in turn, enable them to provide for themselves and their families and improve their conditions of living.
The project will be run for 2 years in partnership with SCORE (Society for Community Organization and Rural Education).
BASAID supports this project in Phase I in 2023 with 13,382 CHF.