Health, education and community service project for the city youth in villages in Kati, Togo

Repair of classrooms at Kati village

The project is the continuation of a three-year project aiming to repair two groups of three-classroom buildings that have fallen into disrepair in the rural village of Kati. The village is located about 110 Km north of Lomé, with a population of 2000 persons. About 600 children attend the primary school. One project is to repair the roofs of the school buildings, involving local volunteers from the village as well as 20 student volunteers recruited from Lomé University. In addition, the student volunteers together with the staff of the NGO Acteurs Réunis, will provide lessons to the local communities to sensitize about health-related issues, violence against women and gender equality.  Finally, the volunteers will support education through tutoring the village children. The villagers benefit from the knowledge of disease prevention and treatment, as well as gaining awareness of gender-based issues. The children benefit from education support and having a safe and protected classroom to facilitate learning, and the city youth benefit from a unique cultural exchange by providing community service.

Project Overview

Project Reference
2023 AF 05 TG ED Y2
Project Year
Aid type
3 years
BASAID contribution
7500 CHF
Local contribution
Freiwillige Helfer vor Ort und Studenten der Universität
Local partners
Acteurs Reunis